Serbian presidential election

Serbia's Opposition Fails to Unite Ahead of Polls

The former ruling Democratic Party (DS) and its splinter groups, the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) and the Social Democratic Party (SDS), failed to agree on a joint electoral list on Monday, meaning they will run against the popular Progressives on their own.

Their failure to agree came two days before the final session of the country's parliament under its current mandate.

"No early presidential elections in 2016" - daily

Presidential elections will not be held in Serbia in 2016, a Belgrade-based daily said it learned from the government.

According to a source quoted by Danas, Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic "has no plans" to initiate early presidential elections, "or to attempt to reach such an agreement with President Tomislav Nikolic."

Nikolic: EU integration impossible under these conditions

The latest "paper" from Brussels is totally unacceptable for Serbia, said the President of Serbia, Tomislav Nikolic.

The latest "paper" from Brussels is totally unacceptable for Serbia and it is impossible for it to continue European integration under these conditions, Serbian President Tomislav Nikolic has said.

President: World banking system is "great fraud"

President: World banking system is "great fraud"

ABU DHABI -- Serbia has neglected its old friendships for some time, but now these friendships are being renewed and strengthened, Serbian President Tomislav Nikolić says.

Nikolić is on a two-day working visit to the United Arab Emirates, where he spoke for the Abu Dhabi-based daily National.
