Social media

Instagram model goes viral as she quits, but asks for social media funding (vid)

Instagram model Essena O’Neill surprised her million followers by announcing she was giving up her social media profile because she let herself be defined with something that wasn’t real. She said her profile promoted a “dishonest and contrived” sense of beauty. Her new online appeal invited followers of her new, all-natural and makeup free image to help her pay for her new lifestyle.

80 percent of minorities in Turkey cannot express themselves openly: Survey

Eighty percent of minorities in Turkey say they cannot express themselves openly on social media, while 35 percent said they are subject to hate speech on the same platform, according to a recent survey conducted by a minority organization funded by the European Union. 

LinkedIn Received 2 Data Requests from Bulgaria in Q1, 2015

Bulgaria has sent two of the total 112 user data requests received by social network LinkedIn in the first six months of this year, an official report reads.

Authorities in Sofia have been granted access to one of the two accounts they have asked about.

This makes Bulgaria one of the few countries which submitted requests over the respective period.

Twitter could be blocked in Turkey if required, says former minister

A deputy from the Justice and Development Party (AKP) and the former transportation minister said on Oct. 15 that Twitter could be blocked if required over the social media giant's hampering to share user information of accounts allegedly linked to the Oct. 10 Ankara bombings.

Bulgarian Appointed as Viber's CEE Business Development Manager

Messaging company Viber announced on Monday it has appointed Daniela Ivanova as business development manager for Central and Eastern Europe.

The company said in a statement Ivanova's initial focus would be on Bulgaria, Serbia, Croatia, Greece, and Hungary - the biggest Viber markets in terms of statistics and development potential.

Twitter reports 'access issues' in Turkey after attack

Many users in Turkey were unable to access Twitter on Oct 10, the social networking site said, after at least 86 people were killed in the capital Ankara in twin bombingsMany users in Turkey were unable to access Twitter on Oct. 10, the social networking site said, after at least 86 people were killed in the capital Ankara in twin bombings.
