Srebrenica massacre

Bosnian Serb Ex-Policemen’s Srebrenica Genocide Acquittal Upheld

The Bosnian state court has rejected a prosecution appeal confirmed a verdict acquitting Miodrag Josipovic, Branimir Tesic, Dragomir Vasic, Danilo Zoljic and Radomir Pantic of participation in the partial extermination of Bosniaks from Srebrenica in July 1995, the men's lawyers told BIRN.

Hague Court President: Recognising the Srebrenica Genocide is Necessary

Ten days after her term in office began, one of the first tasks undertaken by Graciela Gatti Santana, the new president of the International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals, was to deliver a speech at the commemoration of the 27th anniversary of the Srebrenica genocide.

Serbian Activists Mark 27th Anniversary of Srebrenica Genocide

Activists lit candles on Monday evening in central Belgrade to pay their respects to victims of the July 1995 Srebrenica genocide.

The memorial event was held in a park between the Serbia presidency and the city assembly, with police providing security. However, no counter-demonstrators attempted to disrupt it.

Bosnian Teenager’s Diary Captures Terror of Exodus from Srebrenica

Mirza Basic spent more than 20 days on the road, trying to reach safety after Bosnian Serb forces captured Srebrenica, and the 15-year-old's diary details his everyday struggle to survive and escape the fate of more than 7,000 other Bosniaks who were massacred in July 1995.

Besieged: German Photographer’s Pictures Show Srebrenica Before the Genocide

In August 1995, German photographer Phillip von Recklinghausen returned to Srebrenica, where he had photographed people during the siege of the enclave by Bosnian Serb forces a couple of years earlier.

He tried to find people whose pictures he had taken back in 1993, but couldn't.
