
Reactions, deliberations within ruling SYRIZA after plan given to creditors

Top government and ruling SYRIZA party officials met in the Maximos Mansion on Wednesday in a much-anticipated session chaired by PM Alexis Tsipras, a day after his government presented and won conditional support of a tax-for- cash deal with institutional creditors.

Former Minister Droutsas speaks on new austerity measures and PM Tsipras

Former Greek Foreign Minister Dimitris Droutsas welcomed the new approach on the debt issue. “There is a ray of hope that we will be able to avert catastrophe”, he said, speaking to German radio station Deutschlandfunk on Tuesday morning. At the same time, however, he did not hide his skepticism. “These are extremely harsh measures. This is 8 billion euro for the next one and a half years”.

Daily Mail spots young Tsipras in activist form – Che T-shirt, Cuba cap

Daily Mail spotted a 26-year-old Alexis Tsipras way back in 2001 clad in a … Che Guevara T-shirt and Cuba baseball cap trying to exit a ferry boat in Italy. He was accompanied by a few hundred other Greek political activists, of the far left variety, that arrived in Ancona in a bid to disrupt a G8 Summit.

SYRIZA on standby for agreement

 Party bodies ready to convene, VAT on islands a red line for Independent Greeks

SYRIZA?s party bodies are on standby to meet in the coming days if the government reaches an agreement with the institutions and to assess whether the deal meets the approval of leftist party members and MPs.

Greece: Weathering the last storm

Last week, I had to call my bank in Athens. I talked to a helpful lady who dealt with my query immediately. But I could not hang up without asking the situation in Greece. "Is it getting very difficult for you?" I asked. "Yes, there is a bit of tension, these days," the lady replied, calmly. It was obvious that she was told not to cause panic to customers.
