Terrorism in Greece

Koufodinas ends hunger strike

Convicted terrorist Dimitris Koufodinas has ended his hunger strike after the penal section of the Supreme Court accepted an appeal filed by the court's top prosecutor against the rejection of his leave earlier Thursday.
The former hitman of the now-defunct November 17 terrorist group, who had refused to eat for 21 days, will remain in intensive care until he completes his recovery.

Athens prosecutor brings criminal charges over vandal attack on Parliament

An Athens prosecutor has brought criminal charges against the perpetrators of Wednesday's vandal attack on Parliament for defacing a historical monument which is a criminal charge.

Authorities have so far arrested a 36-year-old suspect in connection with the assault which was carried out by members of the anti-establishment group Rouvikonas.

Bakoyannis’ campaign kiosk targeted by self-styled anarchists

Self-styled anarchists targeted the election campaign kiosk of Athens mayor candidate Costas Bakoyannis in a vandal attack late Tuesday.

The assailants, who were shouting slogans in favor of jailed November 17 terrorist Dimitris Koufodinas, splashed paint and spray-painted anarchist symbols on the kiosk in front of the Old Parliament near Syntagma Square.

Parliament attacked with paint, smoke bombs

A small group of around 15 hooded individuals slipped past guards and splashed paint near the front entrance to Greece's Parliament building on Tuesday.

The incident occurred shortly after 2 p.m. and the assailants were able to climb up the stairs beside the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and up to the front courtyard of Parliament, which is normally out of bounds for the public.

Anarchists wreak havoc over hunger-striking terrorist

As the Supreme Court convenes on Tuesday to discuss a furlough request by convicted terrorist Dimitris Koufodinas, groups of hooded individuals in Athens on Monday smashed ATMs, vandalized political offices and caused chaos at three university campuses in "solidarity" with the hunger-striking terrorist. 
