Terrorism in Greece

US embassy holds minute's silence for slain diplomats

The staff of the US Embassy in Athens on Friday observed a minute's silence for members of the US Foreign Service killed by the now defunct Greek domestic terrorist group November 17.

They did so on the occasion of Foreign Affairs Day, an annual commemoration of those who lost their lives serving the US overseas.

Arms dealer Liakounakos and three others get 16-year suspended term over defense deal

A three-judge criminal court in Athens on Wednesday passed down a 16-year suspended prison sentence to Greek arms dealer Thomas Liakounakos, a senior executive of his company SONAK and two former defense ministry officials in connection with an electronic defense system which SONAK was commissioned to provide for the Greek army but which it failed to deliver.

More patrols planned in central Athens in response to rampages

Greece's Ministry for Citizens' Protection has announced it will add 200 police officers for patrol duty in Athens as anarchist groups continue a campaign of attacks in support of a jailed bombing suspect accused of wounding former Prime Minister Lucas Papademos.

The 70-year-old Papademos was seriously injured last year after opening a parcel bomb in his car.
