
Sami Kohen observes 80th year in Turkish journalism

Sami Kohen, a 93-year-old active journalist known as a flagship of international news coverage in Turkey, has told the milestone of his 80-year-long professional life in the latest interview with daily Hürriyet.

Born in 1928 in Istanbul as a son of Albert Kohen, Kohen's first piece was published in a newspaper when he was only 13.

Exile | Athens | September 27

The Athens Center has invited author Miriam Frank to discuss her latest book, "The Experience of Exile in Ancient Times and Today," on Wednesday, September 27. The open discussion will focus on the condition of exile to demonstrate how it is guided by historical events and does not distinguish between peoples. The event, which starts at 7 p.m., is admission-free.

Documentary depicts ancient Göbeklitepe as idol center from Abrahamic age

A documentary prepared jointly by TRT, the Diyarbakır Governor's Office and the Turkish Development Ministry has claimed that the ancient statues in the world's oldest-known temple were constructed by the Prophet Abraham's father, Terah, prompting anger from archaeologists who say the claim is erroneous and misleading.

Is the 'Islamic State' Islamic?

On Feb. 25, 1994, an ultra-Orthodox Jew named Baruch Goldstein entered the Ibrahimi Mosque in Hebron, occupied Palestine, with a machine gun. Seconds later, he opened fire on the Muslim worshippers, killing 29 people and wounding more than 125. He himself was lynched to death by the survivors in the mosque, but only to turn into a martyr in the eyes of his comrades.