Turkey–ISIL conflict

40 US soldiers arrive in Turkey to train Syrian rebels

Around 40 U.S. Special Forces members have arrived in Turkey to join their Turkish colleagues in training Syrian rebel groups to fight the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), sources have told Hürriyet.

The U.S. soldiers have moved to the Hirfanl? gendarmerie base in the Central Anatolian province of K?r?ehir, where they will start the training in 10 days, the sources said.

Spanish couple suspected of joining ISIL detained in Istanbul

A Spanish couple allegedly trying to cross into Syria to join the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) was taken into custody in Istanbul on April 18, according to police officials.

Spain had issued a "red notice" for Ahmad Debza, 33, and his wife, Nadia Fernandez Ataich, 27, both of Moroccan origin, Istanbul police officials said.

Mount Ararat is the witness

Destiny works in mysterious ways. April comes with rain showers and a sea of flowers in the east. Under the majestic silhouette of Mount Ararat, this magical land?s people saw destiny manifest itself again. After 100 years, finally we have learned not to give up on each other. And we did not let our brothers die in vain.
