Turkish language

24 hectares of ODTÜ forest land to be destroyed with tunnel project: University rector

A tunnel project of 2.1 kilometers in length passing through the Middle East Technical University (ODTÜ) in the Turkish capital Ankara will destroy around 24 hectares of the university's forest land, the university's rector, Prof. Dr. Mustafa Verşan Kök, said on Aug. 15.  

Court arrests three over armed assault attempt targeting Eskişehir mayor

A court in the Central Anatolian province of Eskişehir has ordered the arrest of three suspects for the armed assault attempt targeting Eskişehir Mayor Yılmaz Büyükerşen on July 29.

Earlier, five suspects had been referred to court over the attempted attack.

Last day of hearings in case of daily Cumhuriyet journalists, executives as verdict expected 

The last day of the first hearings in the case of daily Cumhuriyet journalists and executives began on July 28, as a verdict is expected to be announced in the evening hours. 

All 17 journalists and executives from the daily have testified over the past five days.

Technology is politics

I have been writing "technology is politics" for years but only now are political columnists jumping on the bandwagon. Any technological progress, any new device, any new service cannot be evaluated on its own. Technology is very much intertwined with society, economics, military and politics.  
