What is there to discuss about secular education?

I would be happy for religion to be taught in the best way possible in schools, by the most compatible educators in the right way, instead of it being taught in a foolish way in homes and consumed away at dervish lodges. But while the main problem is how we are going to teach science and through which methods, today, the expression, "women's obedience to her husband is a religious service," is being added to school books.

We are in fifth grade in elementary school, at a preparation course for the Anatolian high school entrance exams.

In lectures, we are solving tests, having a discussion on the test answers during the breaks, and sometimes having an argument saying, "mine is right." In the next class, the right answers are announced. The person who has the right answer makes fun of the other who have gotten it wrong.

One question came up. Even if I do not remember it word by word, it was somewhat like this: "On which of the following principles [or manner] is the Turkish Republic based?"





In fact, it was a somewhat loaded and difficult question. Especially for an 11-year-old child. Because my father was a lawyer, I knew that the Turkish Republic meant the state, and not the people, and one of the basic qualities of the state was its secularism. I immediately circled answer "D." The answers to the questions were collected and the bell rang. During the break, as always, I had a discussion on which was the right answer with my friend. She said "Islam," whereas I said "secularism."

When the answers were announced, I grinned with a smile full of pride and defiance. And to that, she nodded her head with the expression, "you won." The interesting...

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