Unintended pregnancy

'Turkey should step up efforts on zero target for mother deaths'

Professor Ayşe Akın received a United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) award last week in Nairobi, Kenya at the International Conference on Population and Development (ICDP25) for her contribution to the health of women at the global and national levels since 1994, when the first ICDP took place in Cairo, which she had also attended.

Greek abortion increase shot up by 50% due to the economic crisis

­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­The 7th Panhellenic Conference of Family Planning, organized by the Greek Society for Family Planning, Birth Control and Reproductive Health, presented abortions statistics that showed that pregnancy terminations  in Greece have shot up 50% since the start of the economic crisis while miscarriages have doubled.

Crisis affects abortions, but Greece is still a champion

The financial crisis has led to a reduction in abortions in Greece but it is still remains in the first ranks among European countries according to a British study conducted by the Obstretic-Gynecological Clinics of the University of London. There are 80,000 abortions per year, half of which involve underage girls.

Gynos to Erdoğan: ‘If you don’t want abortions, you need birth control’

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has expressed his opposition both to birth control, which he declared last week as “treason,” and abortions, an act that he has famously branded a “massacre,” in a similar vein to the killings of 34 villagers in Roboski three years ago.