United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees

UN agency warns of sexual violence at Greek refugee camps

The United Nations refugee agency is urging Greece's government to provide separate housing and washing facilities for women and children at island refugee camps, citing the risk of sexual violence.

The UNHCR says it has received reports from about 180 camp residents who say they have suffered some form of sexual or gender-based violence after arriving in Greece.

UNHCR calls for migrant transfers, Greek authorities blamed for grim conditions

As temperatures drop, the UN refugee agency (UNHCR) once more urged Greek authorities to swiftly transfer thousands of refugees and migrants living in cramped and unsafe island camps to the mainland where better conditions and services are available.

UNHCR and the Asylum Reform Recommendations for Bulgarian EU Presidency

The United Nations High Commissioner of Refugees (UNHCR) released recommendations for an asylum reform in the European Union. The UN agency mainly addressed Bulgaria, since the country will take over the Presidency of the Council of the European Union on January 1, 2018, Independent Balkan News Agency reported.
