United Nations Human Rights Council

#Romania2019.eu/Ciamba voices in Geneva Romania's firm committment to promote human rights observance

Minister Delegate for European Affairs George Ciamba had a meeting in Geneva on Thursday with UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet, in which he voiced Romania's firm commitment as holder of the Presidency of the Council of the European Union to promote respect for human rights, to combat hate speech, anti-Semitism, racism, and intolerance.

Turkey slams 'scandal' after UN experts on mission to probe Khashoggi murder denied entry to Saudi consulate

A United Nations delegation including the special rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary killings was denied entry to the Saudi consulate in Istanbul's Levent neighborhood on Jan. 29.


The United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution Monday condemning the "systematic, widespread and gross" human rights violations in North Korea, according to Eyewitness News. 

The non-binding resolution, which was passed by consensus without a vote, welcomes diplomatic efforts to end the crisis on the Korean peninsula.

Chinese experts agree with Greece’s block of EU Statement on China’s Human Rights Record

Chinese experts on Sunday called for fairness and greater understanding of the country’s human rights record after a report said a European Union (EU) statement on the country’s human rights record was blocked.

Greece blocked an EU statement at the United Nations that criticized China’s human rights record, Reuters reported Sunday.

U.S. may withdraw from United Nations Human Rights Council

On Friday, The Washington Post published an op-ed by U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley in which she condemned the way in which the Human Rights Council (HRC) operates.

Haley wrote that Venezuela and Cuba having seats on the Human Rights Council is an affront to the international body, as both nations are rampant abusers of human rights:
