Ministers Resign from Romanian Govt as Political Crisis Deepens

Ministers from the USR-PLUS party resigned from the cabinet on Tuesday after Prime Minister Florin Citu dismissed Justice Minister Stelian Ion, an USR PLUS member.

"We have registered and submitted the resignations, together with the USR-PLUS ministers, at the premier's office. We are moving forward,' Dan Barna, the co-president of USR-PLUS, wrote on Facebook.

USR PLUS says it has 80 votes for motion of censure: Florin Citu has to go

The Save Romania Union - Freedom, Unity and Solidarity Party (USR PLUS) alliance, junior in the ruling coalition, says that 80 of its MPs have signed the motion of censure and that this step can be avoided only if Florin Citu no longer holds the position of prime minister.

USR PLUS to back motion of censure against PM Florin Citu

The Save Romania Union - Freedom, Unity and Solidarity Party (USR PLUS) alliance in the ruling coalition says it is withdrawing its political endorsement of Prime Minister Florin Citu, whom it reproaches of "having thrown the country into political crisis." "USR PLUS has not agreed with and will never agree to public money robbery, in any form of government.

PM Citu: Politics is not done on conditions and blackmail, we have no time for political games

Prime Minister Florin Citu on Wednesday said that the USR-PLUS (Save Romania Union - Party of Liberty, Unity and Solidarity) is blackmailing with the Special Section (SIIJ, Section for Investigation of Crimes in Justice) and stressed that "politics cannot be done on conditions and blackmail" and that there is no time for "political games", in the context of discussions on the Anghel Saligny Nat

USR PLUS' Barna: Coalition cannot function if only one of its members meets objectives

Certain issues assumed in the governing program "did not take any step further", Save Romania Union-Unity, Freedom and Solidarity Party (USR PLUS) co-chair Dan Barna told public broadcaster TVR on Wednesday evening, stressing that a coalition cannot function if "a partner (...) ticks all its political goals and another partner stands by and applauds overcome with emotion".

USR PLUS wants debate on local development programme, clear criteria for granting public money

Save Romania Union - Freedom, Unity, Solidarity Party (USR PLUS) states that it will not support "a new PNDL [the National Local Development Programme] with allocations on paper" and supports the organization of a broad debate on the local development programme.

Minister Ghinea: No danger for the government to fall

Minister of European Investments and Projects Cristian Ghinea (USR PLUS) declared on Friday in the western city of Timisoara that there is no danger that the government could fall. "The government is incapable to carry out reforms the way we, at USR PLUS, would want them done, they way they were agreed in the governing program. The reason for this failure?

Deputy PM Barna: Through Romexpo land, state offers 400 million euro gift

Deputy Prime Minister Dan Barna, co-chair of the Save Romania Union - Party of Liberty, Unity and Solidarity (USR PLUS), stated on Monday that the session of the National Bureau saw the reiteration of the point of view according to which, by transferring for free the land around Romexpo to the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania (CCIR), the Romanian state is "offering a gift of at least

Deputy PM Barna: Voiculescu has USR PLUS 101pct support; transparency is part of good governance

Deputy PM Dan Barna points out that Health Minister Vlad Voiculescu has 101 percent support from the Save Romania Union - Party of Liberty, Unity and Solidarity (USR - PLUS) Alliance and that transparency is part of a good governance. "When we promised a revolution of good governance, we also referred to public data transparency.
