#EuropeanElections2019 / Exit-poll CURS-Avangarde: PSD, PNL tied at 25.8 pct, USR PLUS Alliance -23.9 pct

The Social Democrat Party (PSD) obtained 25.8 percent of the votes cast in the European Parliament elections on Sunday, the National Liberal Party (PNL) - 25.8 percent, the 2020 USR PLUS Alliance (formed by the Save Romania Union - USR and the Freedom, Unity and Solidarity Party - PLUS) - 23.9 percent, according to the exit-poll conducted by the Center for Urban and Regional Sociology (CURS) an

PLUS' Ciolos: Judges with High Court of Cassation and Justice voted in favor of 2020 Alliance

Bucharest, Mar 9 /Agerpres/ - The judges with the High Court of Cassation and Justice (ICCJ) voted in favour of the USR PLUS 2020 Alliance, announced, on Friday, the chairman of the Freedom, Unity and Solidarity Party (PLUS), Dacian Ciolos, on his facebook page. "Now you have who to vote with! The 2020 Alliance goes to the EP elections!

Ordinance 7 attacks Romanian justice dramatically, society, country have to resist

Save Romania Union (USR) leader Dan Barna said on Sunday evening, at a protest rally in Victoriei Square, that the Emergency Ordinance 7/2019 "attacks" justice, adding that the protests might cause its withdrawal, as it happened with the Emergency Ordinance 13 in 2017. "At this moment Romania is massively assaulted by Ordinance 7.

USR demands resignation of Agriculture Minister

Save Romania Union (USR, opposition) demands the resignation of Agriculture Minister Petre Daea for "incompetence or indifference" he evinces in handling the crisis triggered by the African swine fever.

According to a press release sent to AGERPRES on Tuesday, USR objects to the absence of adequate information campaigns among the population regarding this virus.
