
Avramopoulos: Free-travel zone must be protected

One day after the European Commission proposed that temporary border controls inside the European Union's free-travel zone be extended for up to three years during a crisis, EU Commissioner for Migration and Home Affairs Dimitris Avramopoulos said that the Schengen area, where passport checks are normally not required, must be protected at all costs.

'It's High Time' Romania and Bulgaria to Join Schengen Zone, Juncker Announces

Romania and Bulgaria have finally been granted permission to join the Schengen Area paving he way for citizens to move freely throughout the bloc.

EU Commission president Jean-Claude Juncker made the announcement in his state of the union address on Wednesday.

He said: "It is high time to bring Romania and Bulgaria into the Schengen Area.

Turkey, EU to hold political dialogue meeting in Brussels

Officials from Turkey and the European Union will meet June 13 in Brussels for a political dialogue meeting to review the current status of issues on their mutual agenda and to discuss ways of moving forward after a period of tension.

The discussions will set the stage for higher-level gatherings at the ministerial level for political, energy, and economy dialogue meetings. 
