Party Officials' Resignations Rock Macedonian Opposition

Several prominent opposition party officials and MPs resigned from their VMRO DPMNE party positions in the past few days, accusing the leadership of isolating the party and taking an anti-Western course which they do not want to follow.

The most recent to resign, on Wednesday, was the head of the party's youth union, Luka Krzaloski. 

FYROM opposition says name deal with Greece is 'dead'

The main opposition conservative party in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) says a prospective deal with Greece to rename the country "North Macedonia" is "dead" after Sunday's failed referendum.

VMRO-DPMNE also called for a caretaker government before an early election expected in late November.

Macedonia PM Defies Low Turnout to Push Name Change

AFP - Macedonia's government vowed Monday to push ahead with changing the country's name to appease Greece and build ties with the West, but opponents said low turnout in a referendum on the move made it illegitimate.

Premier Zoran Zaev wants to rename the Balkan state North Macedonia to end a long-running row with Athens and open a path to EU and NATO membership.

Zaev: Coming days to show if deal with opposition is possible

Developments in the coming days will show whether it is possible to reach an agreement with the conservative opposition on the constitutional changes the parliament of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) is required to approve as part of a deal signed with Greece, Prime Minister Zoran Zaev said on Monday, a day after the referendum held in the country.
