Withdrawal from the European Union

Iohannis: In Romania's vision, a European Union of the future is inseparable from European unity and solidarity

President Klaus Iohannis said on Tuesday that the European Union of the future is, in Romania's vision, a project that is inseparable from the idea of unity and solidarity, and for a "more integrated" union there is need for consolidating the Eurozone and the Schengen area.

INSCOP poll: Majority of voters would go for nationalist party supporting traditional family

More than 59% of the respondents to an INSCOP poll would vote for a nationalist party that promotes religious values and supports the traditional family, however, about two-thirds would not support such a party if it promoted Romania's withdrawal from the European Union, the rapprochement with Russia or the restriction of the national minorities' rights.

Cyprus unemployment drops despite pandemic

Eurozone unemployment was stable at 8.3% of the workforce in December, the European Union's statistics office Eurostat said on Monday, despite continued coronavirus lockdowns in most eurozone countries.

Still, Eurostat said 13.67 million people were out of work in the 19 countries sharing the euro in December, up from 13.62 million in November.

Britain’s escape

After a dramatic period of four years and six months and a trade deal with the European Union, Britain has won back its independence - a fundamental right for every sovereign state which is now viewed as an anachronism, since nationalism - and patriotism even - are treated as evil. 
