Kostas Skrekas

Skrekas: We will keep fighting against inflation

All measures to combat inflation will continue for as long as necessary, stated Minister of Development Kostas Skrekas in an interview with ANT1 TV.

Referring to the issue of inflation, discussed in Parliament on Friday, he noted that "the measures taken by the government to reduce prices have begun and are yielding results."

Hollande to meet PM Mitsotakis in Athens

Former French president Francois Hollande is set to meet Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis in Athens on Friday. The meeting is scheduled to take place at Maximos Mansion at 4.30 p.m.

Hollande will serve as the keynote speaker at the 2nd European Conference for Entrepreneurship, to be held on Saturday at the Grand Hyatt Hotel in Athens. 

Greek-Swiss collaboration discussed at Development Ministry

Greek collaboration with Switzerland in the sectors of pharmaceuticals, research and technology, energy, and managing of infrastructure were discussed between Greek Development Minister Kostas Skrekas and visiting Swiss Federal Councilor and head of the Department of Economic Affairs, Education and Research Guy Parmelin.

Skrekas: Inflation at Greek supermarkets near zero

Development and Competitiveness Minister Kostas Skrekas stated in an interview with Parapolitika radio on Thursday that the inflation rate for food in Greece has eased by approximately 40%, namely from a rate of 8.3% to a rate of 5% at present.

"Of course, we are not yet at the point we want to be, which is under 2%," he admitted.

‘Godparents’ Basket’ becomes available

The "Godparents' Basket" is available as of Monday, while the special "Easter Basket," which offers traditional Easter foods at lower or unchanged prices, will come into effect on Wednesday.

According to an announcement by the Ministry of Development, the Easter Basket extends the Household Basket by adding four new food categories, thus providing additional options for consumers.
