News archive of February 2024

ATHEX: Benchmark grows 4.2% in February

February ended at the stock market with an impressive session, that extended the month's gains for the benchmark and doubled the daily turnover, due to yet another stock rebalancing. That was the fourth consecutive month of growth for the main index, which has augmented 4.19% since end-January.

Vučić with Touadéra: Thank you for firmly respecting territorial integrity of Serbia

"I want to thank you for your visit, to say that Serbia extremely values friendship with the Central African Republic. It is of great importance for us, we will do our best to develop our relations even more. Serbia is proud of its heritage of sincere friendship with African countries", Vucic said.
"Thank you for firmly respecting the territorial integrity of Serbia," he added.

PM vows unwavering reforms at Metapolitefsi conference

Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis highlighted his commitment to a political agenda of reforms that "will never be reversed" during his discussion with Kostas Kostis, director of MIET and and professor of economics and social history at the University of Athens, and Alexis Papahelas, executive editor of Kathimerini, at the "50 Years of the Metapolitefsi" conference in Athens on Thursday.

‘We’re talking about a crime. It wasn’t just an accident’

Kathimerini met two survivors of the InterCity 62 train disaster at the Thessaloniki railway station where they should have arrived on the evening of February 28, 2023. Dimitris Kostarellos and Stavroula Kapsali spoke about how their lives changed after the crash at Tempe, the trauma and the justice they seek.

Decisions for Piraeus Bank stake

Financial consultants UBS, Goldman Sachs and Bank of America are conducting critical consultations on the intentions of potential investors in relation to the price they are willing to pay for 27% of Piraeus Bank on behalf of bank bailout fund HFSF. 

An open wound

The judicial investigation into the 2023 Tempe train crash so far has shown that it was not just the hand of the stationmaster who was on shift that night that is to blame. It has been revealed that a confluence of actions and omissions by many people, at different levels, led to the tragic outcome.
