Ghosts of history

It's quite tragic that, 75 years after the Greek civil war, we have reached the point where prominent resistance leader Aris Velouchiotis is a central "figure" in an electoral campaign. As a country we had a hard time putting all that behind us. The country matured during the period after the collapse of the military dictatorship of 1967-74 and historic figures on both the political left and right contributed a lot to putting those dark days behind us.
Those individuals were Greeks who had experienced real violence and fanaticism, people who truly suffered and saw firsthand where division spread by madmen and fanatics can lead. They decided, however, to embrace and send out a message of national unity.
I don't know what led to Velouchiotis being brought up. Perhaps it was anxiety over the loss of the support of a truly anti-systemic block of voters. Or maybe the pressure...

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