PPC to close lignite plants as of 2020

A business plan being drafted by the management of Public Power Corporation includes a sweeping divestment of its lignite-powered plants. The plan, which is expected to be ready by mid-November, is meant to be factored into the structural changes of the local electricity market and the post-bailout assessment of the Greek economy by creditors.

Energy Minister Kostis Hatzidakis' directions to PPC's management provide for PPC's streamlining and the full adoption of European regulations for a transition to the post-lignite era. In response, the utility's management has started a full cost analysis of the lignite plants to decide which ones will continue to operate and which will be shut down, with sustainability being the sole criterion.

Out of the 14 lignite plants PPC has today, the state-run utility will likely hang onto the plant at Agihos Dimitrios and a new unit in...

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