How the media industry keeps losing the future

Roger Fidler, who spent 21 years at the Knight Ridder newspaper chain and helped develop technology for lightweight tablets that would use low cost flat-panel displays for subscribers to view news stories, at his home in Santa Fe, N.M., Feb. 24, 2024. The internet would first create an alternative to printed newspapers and magazines, then become a competitor, and finally annihilate many of them. [Ramsay de Give/The New York Times]

If the career of Roger Fidler has any meaning, it is this: Sometimes, you can see the future coming but get trampled by it anyway.

Thirty years ago, Fidler was a media executive pushing a reassuring vision of the future of newspapers. The digital revolution would liberate news from printing presses, giving people portable devices that kept them informed all day long. Some stories would be enhanced by video, others by sound and animation. Readers could share articles, driving engagement across diverse communities.

All that has come to pass, more or less. Everyone is online all the time, and just about everyone seems interested, if not obsessed, by national and world happenings. But the traditional media that Fidler was championing do not receive much benefit. After decades of decline, their collapse seems to be accelerating.

Every day brings bad news. Sometimes...

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