Alternative investment types

The assets of the four Mutual Fund Management Companies (AEDAK) that are subsidiaries of the Greek systemic banks increased by 1.8 billion euros in the first quarter of 2024.

This is indicative of the potential of the market and the rise shown by both foreign and domestic bond and equity mutual funds.

Inflows since the beginning of the year have reached €1.4 billion, while the valuation of mutual assets increased by €400 million, bringing the total assets of the four AEDAK to €14.3 billion based on the valuation at the end of March. The rise in mutual fund assets recorded in the first quarter of the year comes on the back of inflows of €3.2 billion in 2023.

Most of the new inflows are linked to the target maturity mutual funds promoted by the banks, which ensure a dividend yield close to or slightly above 2%. The products became known in the last year and a...

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