News archive of November 2016

Dacic: We expect UNMIK to follow Resolution 1244

Photo: MFA

BELGRADE - Serbian Deputy PM and FM Ivica Dacic on Monday received Peter Due, director of the UN Department for Peacekeeping Operations for Asia, Middle East, Europe and Latin America Division, as part of his regular visit to the region.

China Unveils J-20 Stealth Fighter


BELGRADE - China debuted its J-20 stealth fighter Tuesday at Airshow China in the southern city of Zhuhai, VOA reports.

Two J-20s made a brief appearance in the show's opening ceremonies, performing a series of maneuvers, Reuters reported.

Vucic: West more nervous than Serbs, Albanians


HAMBURG - Many in the West are more nervous about the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue than the Serbs or the Albanians are, and I do not know why, as we must speak to each other and solve problems, which is what we are doing, says Serbian PM Aleksandar Vucic.

Turkey's lenders slashing interest rates one by one

Turkey's leading lenders have announced interest rate cuts in loans one-by-one, as the government calls for banks accordingly to "boost economic activity," ahead of a key meeting between Prime Minister Binali Yıldırım and top bank representatives late on Nov. 1. 

34 Bulgarian Hotels Certified as Spa Centres

A total of 34 hotels have been certified as spa centres. 106 applications have been filed so far and the procedure continues, announced Tourism Minister Nikolina Angelkova.

Angelkova underlined that not all hotels may use the label SPA. The hotels have to fulfill all requirements of the regulation in order to do so.

U.S. ambassador in Belgrade blasts Serbian tabloids

Serbian tabloids consist of "90 percent fabrication, five percent conspiracy theories, and five percent truth."

This is how U.S. Ambassador to Serbia Kyle Scott broke down the content of the tabloid media in this country.

Main opposition CHP head urges party to resist 'provocations'

Attacks targeting the main opposition Republican People's Party (CHP) will increase and the party must be careful to resist "provocations," CHP head Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu has said, after a senior party official was shot in the leg on Oct. 29. 

Trustee appointed to Diyarbakır municipality

A trustee was appointed to Diyarbakır Municipality on Nov. 1 after the arrests of the city's mayors, Gültan Kışanak and Fırat Anlı, state-run Anadolu Agency has reported.

Cumali Atilla, who was working as a district governor of the Etimesgut district in Ankara, was appointed as the trustee.

Turkey deploys tanks to Silopi across from Iraq

Turkish Armed Forces have begun deploying tanks and other armored vehicles from the Ankara-based 28th Mechanized Infantry Brigade to Silopi in Şırnak near the border with Iraq, Anadolu Agency reported Nov. 1, three days after Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said the country would reinforce its troops along its border. 
