
Country: Greece Population: 3 192 606

Tsipras cites contradiction in EU criticism of govt's 'humanitarian crisis' bill

Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras on Thursday reportedly defended his new government's insistence on tabling a draft bill containing measures to alleviate what he calls a "humanitarian crisis" in the country.

The "humanitarian crisis" leitmotif was a recurring theme in the radical leftist party's pre-election campaign.

EU Summit underway in Brussels (Live video)

The EU Summit started at approximately 16.00 (Athens time) in Brussels.

Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras, accompanied by the two new Alternate Foreign Ministers, Nikos Chountis and Euclid Tsakalotos, has his work cut out for him as he will try to persuade the European leaders to agree to a political solution for Greece.
