

Renewal of the Search for Bulgarian Mountaineer Boyan Petrov

Today the search for the mountain climber Boyan Petrov, who has been missing for a few days, is expected to resume, reports BTV. He disappeared during an expedition to climb Mount Shisha Pangma in the Himalayas on the territory of China.

Our Embassy in Beijing has received information on Petrov's disappearance on May 3rd.

Ships Searching for Missing Malaysia Airlines Plane Wreckage Make Unexpected Find

METRO UK - Ships searching for the wreckage of missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 have made an unexpected find in the Indian Ocean. A team discovered two large shipwrecks while combing the water for remains of the doomed flight that vanished in 2014, with 239 people on board.

#DiplomaticCentennial Republic of Korea Ambassador: We have invaluable opportunity to accomplish denuclearization - a dramatic turnaround in world history

The Ambassador of the Republic of Korea in Bucharest, Kim Eun-joong talked, in an interview granted to AGERPRES, about the "invaluable opportunity" to accomplish denuclearization in the Korean Peninsula, to the benefit of the entire world.

The statement comes in the context of the upcoming North Korea - South Korea summit starting Friday.
