Gaza City


Palestinian rockets killed Gaza civilians during war: Amnesty

In a damning report released March 26, Amnesty International said Palestinian rocket fire during the 2014 summer war in Gaza had killed more civilians inside the Gaza Strip than inside Israel.
Such deadly attacks on civilians were against international law and constituted "a war crime," it said.

Long-term Gaza truce agreed with Israel: Palestinians

The Palestinians have reached agreement with Israel on a "permanent" ceasefire for the Gaza Strip, a senior official told AFP on Aug. 26.
"The contacts that have been going on have agreed a permanent ceasefire, a (deal to) end the blockade and a guarantee that Gaza's demands and needs will be met," the official told AFP, speaking on condition of anonymity.        

Israel air strike kills two in Gaza after Egypt calls talks

An Israeli air strike killed two Palestinians in Gaza Sunday as militants kept up rocket fire, a day after an Egyptian call for an open-ended ceasefire to enable new truce talks.
The pace of Israeli raids was slower than Saturday when at least 60 strikes pounded Gaza, killing 10 Palestinians, mostly women and children, and bringing down a 12-storey apartment block.

Gaza death toll rises above 2,000: Health Ministry

The death toll in the war-torn Gaza Strip rose above 2,000 on Aug. 18, the health ministry said as more people injured in over a month of fighting with the Israelis succumbed to their wounds.
According to a ministry statement, a total of 2,016 people were killed and another 10,196 wounded.
