

Brnabic: Goal of reforms to improve quality of life for all

OSLO - On the second day of her visit to Norway, Serbian PM Ana Brnabic met with Norwegian FM Ine Marie Eriksen Soreide, noting that Serbia was exceptionally appreciative of Norway's support for implementation of reforms in Serbia, which she said were aimed at improving the quality of life of all women and men citizens and at accelerating the EU integration process.

Serbia and Norway "could improve economic cooperation"

This is what Prime Minister Ana Brnabic and Norwegian Prime Minister Erna Solberg agreed on Wednesday in Oslo, the Serbian government announced.

During the meeting by which she started her first official visit to the Kingdom of Norway, Brnabic stressed that since 2000 to date, Norway has supported Serbia with more than EUR 250 million in grants and is one of its biggest donors.

60,000 People in Bulgaria Suffer From Eating Disorders

60,000 people in Bulgaria suffer from eating disorders, according to unofficial statistics. An anonymous sociological survey among students ages 13 to 19 shows that 5% of girls have anorexia. The study is representative of the city of Sofia. At the same time, it is difficult to cover these patients, as most of them are hiding their suffering, says Monitor.

Norway's Police Downgrade Threat Level

Norwegian police said on Wednesday they had lowered the national threat assessment, but still regarded an attack by militants as a possibility, reported Reuters. 

The risk level was lowered to "possible" from "likely", reversing an April decision to raise the threat assessment following an Oslo bomb scare and an attack in neighboring Sweden, where four people were killed.
