

Macedonian Capital Steps Closer to Gasification

Two companies, Turkey's Aksoy Energy and CPL Concordia of Italy, have passed the next stage in an important competition for the announced €100 million gasification of Skopje, it was announced.

Macedonia's Transport Ministry is due to select the winning private partner for the energy project in September.

If all goes to plan, construction is expected to start early next year.

Sofia Is The Cheapest EU City for Expat Living - Survey

Sofia is the most affordable EU city for expat living, shows the 2014 Mercer Cost of Living Rankings annual survey. 

The capital of Bulgaria takes the 172-nd position out of 211 surveyed cities. 

Compared to the 2013 survey, the cost of expat living increased, shows the survey. Last year Bulgaria was at the 181-st place. 
