Tel Aviv


Trump unleashes the generals. They don’t always see the big picture

When Adm. Harry B. Harris Jr., the military’s top commander in the Pacific, ordered the aircraft carrier Carl Vinson “to sail north” from Singapore this month, he was oblivious to the larger — and incorrect — impression that he was rushing a naval strike force to confront an increasingly belligerent North Korea.

Mossad reportedly turned French spies into double agents after joint Syria Op

An internal report written by French intelligence, parts of which were published in the daily newspaper Le Monde on Sunday, reveal efforts by the Mossad to develop relationships with French spies, “to the point of crossing the line of turning them into double agents.”

'I love Greece... I'll wait patiently'

Every Wednesday, a 60-year-old man identified only by his initials - P.S. - attends a Greek language class in Tel Aviv. No one was surprised to see him take up the lessons, given the fact that P.S., who retired six months ago, is half-Greek.

"I started the process to acquire Greek citizenship 12 years ago," P.S. told Kathimerini in a recent interview.

Turkey: A Sunni Iran in the making?

The rising tide of an aggressive blend of nationalism and Islamism might be prompting Ankara to pursue its own WMDs, and its preference appears to be long-range missiles. As Turkey feels more threatened by real or (mostly) imagined enemies, it increasingly views maximum possible military deterrence as essential to both survival (a defensive goal) and assertiveness (an offensive one).
