Tel Aviv


Red Axes | Athens | January 14

The Red Axes DJ duo is traveling from Tel Aviv to Athens to perform in the sixth installment of a special series on young talent called "The Kids are Alright" at Six Dogs in downtown Athens. Last time Dori Sadovnik and Niv Arzi played their psychedelic beats at the venue, the party went on for four straight hours, until 7.30 a.m.

Israel bombed military airport near Damascus, Syria Vows 'Repercussions'

BELGRADE - In the early hours of Friday morning, the Syrian Army reported that Israel had carried out missile strikes targeting the Mezzeh military airport southwest of the Syrian capital of Damascus. Syrian military command has since warned Tel Aviv that it may take retaliatory measures.

Old Espionage Ruse, With a Modern Twist: Israelis Say Hamas Used Online Seduction

It usually started with a bit of cyberflirting. A direct message was sent through Facebook or another social network from an unknown woman to an Israeli soldier’s smartphone. Then, according to Israeli military officials, it developed into a chat in flawless Hebrew, heavily peppered with millennial slang.


“Good morning (smiley emoji),” one typical chat began.


Israel ex-president freed after rape term

Israeli ex-president Moshe Katsav was freed from prison Dec. 21 after prosecutors declined to appeal a parole board decision to release him after he served five years of a seven-year term for rape.

Katsav, 71, did not speak to a crowd of journalists gathered outside the Maasiyahu prison near Tel Aviv as he left while surrounded by family.

Mossad Chief, Trump Team Hold Meeting - Reports

BELGRADE - The director of Israel's Mossad spy agency, Yossi Cohen, has met with US President-elect Donald Trump's transition team, according to Al-Alam.

The meeting took place during Yossi's clandestine visit to the US, where he was accompanied by a delegation of the Tel Aviv regime's security officials, Israeli media reported Sunday.
