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Vucic would win more votes than Nikolic - poll

If presidential elections were held in Serbia on Sunday Aleksandar Vucic would win the the first round with 53 percent of the vote.

This is according to the new Ipsos/Strategic Marketing poll, published by the daily Blic. It also showed that Tomislav Nikolic as the candidate of the ruling SNS party would receive 36 percent in the first round.

Race narrowing as Clinton, Trump push into final weekend

The two U.S. presidential nominees, Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Donald Trump, geared up on Nov. 4 for one final weekend to sway undecided voters and cajole supporters into turning out at the polls, slogging their way to the end of a divisive presidential campaign as the race continues to tighten.

Average Unserviced Debt in Bulgaria Was on the Rise in 2015

The average value of an unserviced debt in Bulgaria has increased by 50% on a yearly basis, data from the Association of Collection Agencies in Bulgaria (ACABG) shows.

Annual data published by the association reveals the figure was BGN 747 (EUR 381.7) in 2015, up from BGN 485 (EUR 247), in a country where the average monthly wage is below BGN 1000 in most sectors of the economy.

Serbia's Opposition Parties Plot Joint Election Strategy

Serbian opposition parties have held a joint meeting to plot a common strategy just two days after Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic announced that elections will be held in spring.

The Prime Minister said national polls would be held longside local and provincial elections in the northern province of Vojvodina but did not specify a date.
