

Turkey’s social protection spending up sharply in 2013

Turkey’s spending for social benefits in 2013 rose to 13.8 percent of the GDP, according to a report from the Turkish Statistical Institute released Dec. 29.

Expenditures on social protection accounted for 219.9 billion Turkish Liras ($94.2 billion) in 2013, an increase of 12.5 percent from that of the previous year, the report said.

Moscovici: Creditor inspections to become less frequent and ‘lighter’

Three days after his visit to Athens was completed, European Economic and Monetary Affairs Commissioner Pierre Moscovici stated in Washington that the monitoring of Greece’s economy by its international creditors should become «lighter» and less «interventionist,» with inspectors visiting only twice a year.

Business In Bulgaria Pays Sixth Lowest Taxes In Europe - Survey

Bulgaria has the sixth lowest overall taxes for medium-size companies in EU and the European Free Trade Association (EFTA), shows the Paying Taxes 2015 survey of PriceWaterhouseCoopers among 189 economies worldwide.

The total tax rate in Bulgaria is 27%, which ranks it sixth after Croatia (18.8%), Luxembourg (20.2%), Cyprus (23.2%), Ireland (25.9%) and Denmark (26%).
