

Incumbent and Former PMs Shake Hands on Bulgaria's Shengen Accession

Bulgarian PM Boiko Borisov and his former colleague, currently Party of European Socialists (PES) leader Sergei Stanishev have both agreed on the issue of the accession of Bulgaria in the Shengen area, a press release stated on Thursday.

Borisov's center-right party GERB is also a member of the European People's Party (EPP) holding majority in EU parliament. 

EU Commission Foresees Modest Growth for Bulgarian Economy in 2015

The European Commission foresees a modest growth of 0.8 % for the Bulgarian economy in 2015 and a further 1 % growth in 2016.

This became evident from the Commission's Winter Economic Forecast, which was released on Thursday.

According to it, Bulgaria registered an economic growth of 1.4 % in 2014, which is an increase of 0.2 % compared to an earlier estimate.

Ignoring Greeks' plight will fuel far right, warns Sinn Fein's Adams

By Padraic Halpin & Conor Humphries

DUBLIN - Europe and the "undemocratic" European Central Bank risk fueling the growth of right-wing parties across the continent if they ignore the will of the Greek people, Gerry Adams, leader of Ireland's leftist Sinn Fein said on Thursday.

For Greece, a lesson from Ireland, Kenny says

Greece should follow in the steps of Ireland's ?constructive engagement? with Europe in dealing with its lingering debt crisis, the country's Prime Minister Enda Kenny has said.

?For Greece, there's a lesson from Ireland,? Irish Taoiseach Enda Kenny told CNBC on the sidelines of the Irish Business and Employers Confederation's conference in Dublin on Wednesday.
