

EP approves new European Commission

EP approves new European Commission

BRUSSELS -- The European parliament (EP) has elected with 423 votes in favor and 209 against the new European Commission, headed by Jean-Claude Juncker.

Juncker, a former Luxembourg prime minister, will replace Jose Manuel Barroso. The EU's executive body will take office on November 1.

Eurogroup chief cautious on early bailout exit scenario as political tensions rise

As discussions get under way between Greece and the International Monetary Fund about a potential early exit from the country’s bailout program, Eurogroup Chairman Jeroen Dijssebloem did not rule out the prospect on Monday but suggested that such a debate was premature.

Government in revival exercise

Having secured a fresh confidence vote, Prime Minister Antonis Samaras now faces the challenge of further bolstering the fragile coalition amid growing political tensions, with government officials expected to press creditors to approve a plan for Greece’s gradual disengagement from the memorandum.
