

Dacic: West pressuring countries that might support Srebrenica resolution

BELGRADE - Serbian Interior Minister Ivica Dacic said on Tuesday Western powers were pressuring countries that might support a draft UN General Assembly resolution on Srebrenica and noted that, even though the outcome of a vote on the document would not be favourable for Serbia, Western states would not be satisfied either because they expected a two-third majority.

For Srebrenica survivors, accepting 'truth' is path to peace

For the relatives of the Srebrenica massacre victims, forgiving feels impossible, nearly 30 years on.

But if Serbs in Bosnia and Belgrade stop denying and accept that the atrocity was an act of genocide, as states a draft UN resolution due to be put to the vote Thursday, that would enable finding peace, some survivors say.

Vucic arrives in New York

NEW YORK - Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic has arrived in New York, where he will attend a UN General Assembly debate on a Srebrenica draft resolution on May 23.

A delegation accompanying Vucic also includes FM Marko Djuric.

Petkovic: Pristina's police raid on Postal Savings Bank offices aimed at causing chaos

BELGRADE  - The head of the Serbian government Office for Kosovo-Metohija Petar Petkovic said a "Kosovo Police" raid on branch offices of Serbia's Postal Savings Bank in the north of Kosovo-Metohija on Monday was an escalatory move by Pristina aimed at causing chaos and unrest and abolishing Serbian institutions in Kosovo-Metohija and that Belgrade would inform all international representatives

Brnabic meets with China's Yin

BELGRADE - Serbian Parliament Speaker Ana Brnabic met on Monday in Belgrade with Yin Li, a member of the Political Bureau of the Chinese Communist Party's Central Committee and Secretary of the CCP's Beijing Municipal Committee.

Brnabic said visits by high-ranking Chinese officials to Serbia were very important for deepening further the cooperation between the two countries.

Vucevic: Gabon will not vote for Srebrenica resolution

BELGRADE - Serbian PM Milos Vucevic said on Monday Gabonese PM Raymond Ndonga Sima had informed him Gabon would not vote for a UN General Assembly resolution on Srebrenica.

Vucevic also thanked Gabon for its full support for the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Serbia regarding Kosovo-Metohija.

Lajcak ready to host another meeting on dinar if parties show willingness for agreement

BRUSSELS - The EU special envoy for the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue Miroslav Lajcak said on Sunday evening he saw last week's Brussels meeting with the chief negotiators of Belgrade and Pristina as the final round of discussions on the dinar issue but reiterated he was ready to host another meeting on this if the parties demonstrated "genuine willingness to reach an agreement."
