

Türkiye's presence in Syria prevents 'terror corridor,' sources say

Defense sources have said Türkiye's military presence in northern Syria is essential to preventing the formation of a "terror corridor" along its border.

"We, as Türkiye, want to see a democratic and prosperous Syria, not one plagued by instability and where terrorist organizations are running rampant," the sources told local media on Aug. 29.

U.S.: American Expert Explains Why Türkiye Will Never Be Able to Acquire F-35s

The Turkish desire to rejoin the F-35 program was revealed yesterday by the newspaper Cumhuriyet, which also disclosed ‘s intention to “freeze” the use of the S-400s purchased from Russia to persuade Washington to supply it with the latest-generation fighter jets.

Some 27 countries to be represented at Thessaloniki fair

A total of 27 countries will be represented by exhibitors in the 88th Thessaloniki International Fair (TIF), running September 7-15 in the northern port city's HELEXPO Exhibition & Congress Center.

Six countries will participate for the first time: Ecuador, Japan, Kosovo, Sub-Saharan Africa Countries, Qatar, and the United Kingdom. 

Three boats carrying 76 migrants land on Gavdos in one day

A total of 76 irregular migrants from Syria, Egypt, Sudan and Bangladesh traveling in three separate boats landed on the shores of Gavdos, a tiny island south of Crete, in the early hours of Tuesday.

The passengers of the vessels, which included six children and four women, were helped to reach dry land by local fishermen, according to reports.
