
China counts 2,700 cases of new virus, 80 deaths

The death toll from a new virus has risen to 80 with more than 2,700 confirmed cases, China's government said on Jan. 27, after the health minister warned that the virus's ability to "spread is getting stronger."

China also on Jan. 27 extended the Lunar New Year holiday by 3 days to next Sunday in an effort to contain the spread of the virus.

China confirms 56 deaths from new coronavirus

The death toll in China from the novel coronavirus outbreak has climbed to 56, local media reported on Jan. 26.

"During the past 24 hours, 688 new confirmed cases, 1,309 new suspected cases and 15 deaths from the disease (13 in Hubei, one in Shanghai and one in Henan) were reported," Xinhua news agency said in a report, citing China's National Health Commission.

Second City in China Introduces State of Emergency due to the Coronavirus Outbreak

The dangerous coronavirus continues to spread. A second city in China imposed a state of emergency in an attempt to stem the spread of the infection. After Wuhan, an urban city of 6 million, stopped traffic and planes, and residents were urged not to leave, he said.

There are currently 17 coronavirus deaths, with a total of 570 infected in several countries.

11 million quarantined, 17 died, nearly 600 infected - WHO brings final decision

Another 393 people are suspected of being infected with the virus, but this has not yet been confirmed, Reuters reports.
Wuhan's city government said it would shut down all urban transport networks and suspend outgoing flights.
Wuhan authorities have urged citizens not to leave the city unless under special circumstances, while heavy guards patrol Wuhan's main roads.

Turkey Installs Thermographic Cameras at Airports as Precautionary Measure against the New Coronavirus

Turkey has prepared thermographic cameras and other precautionary measures against the spread of the new flu-like coronavirus, but there are currently no cases or patients at risk, the Health Ministry said.

The number of the death cases has increased to 9 with 440 confirmed cases.

China mystery virus claims sixth victim as holiday travel stokes risk

The death toll from a mysterious flu-like virus in China climbed to six on Jan. 21 as new cases surged beyond 300 and authorities fretted about the added risk from millions of Chinese travelling for the Lunar New Year holiday.    

Round the world, airports tightened screening of travellers from China as officials confirmed the coronavirus strain is contagious between humans.    
