United States


Greek bond yields decline

Investors started focusing on the positives in the eurozone on Friday, particularly after European Central Bank chief Mario Draghi's optimistic comments the day before.

"Everything has turned upside down - European political risks have faded, the economy is looking strong, while in the US everybody is worried," said DZ Bank strategist Daniel Lenz.

Watch President Trump mispronounce Erdogan’s name repeatedly (video)

US President Donald Trump recently received Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to the White House, where the two leaders discussed a number of matters, including the fight against ISIS terrorist in Syria and Iraq. President Trump is not known for picking up on foreign names. This time was no exception as he repeatedly mispronounced Mr. Erdogan’s name during the joint press conference.

Sweden drops Assange investigation, UK police says he still faces arrest

Swedish prosecutors said on May 19 they had dropped an investigation of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange over a rape allegation, but British police said he would still be arrested if he left the Ecuadorean embassy in London where he has been holed up.
Assange, 45, took refuge in the embassy in 2012 to avoid extradition to Sweden over the rape allegation, which he denies.

Police stage operation on Turkish daily Sözcü executive, staff members after detention warrant

Police conducted an operation targeting an executive of critical daily Sözcü and a number of other staff members, the Istanbul Chief Public prosecutor stated on May 19, after detention warrants were issued for four of the newspaper's staff members in the early hours of the morning.
