British Immigration Minister Says UK Borders Will Close to EU Workers After Brexit

Britain will end the free movement of EU workers after Brexit, British Immigration Minister Brandon Lewis has said, despite reports that Westminster has signalled a "soft-Brexit" as Brussels and London continue divorce talks, according to Radio Poland.

"Free movement of labour ends when we leave the European Union in the spring of 2019," Lewis told public broadcaster BBC on Thursday.

UK fire fears continue as 60 buildings deemed unsafe

The fallout from London's devastating tower block blaze has continued with the government announcing 60 high-rises have failed safety tests, as an insurance body said they had warned officials of the fire risks.

The massive operation to test tower blocks follows the Grenfell Tower inferno earlier this month that is presumed to have killed 79 people after it spread at shocking speed.

UK gov't feels 'confident' of deal with DUP

British finance minister Philip Hammond said he was confident Prime Minister Theresa May will strike a deal with Northern Ireland's Democratic Unionist Party to gain support for her minority government.

"I am confident that we will be able to come to an arrangement with them (the DUP) to support the government in the key areas of its program," Hammond told BBC radio yesterday.

Oldest human dies at 146

The Indonesian man who claimed to be 146 years old – the longest living human ever – has died in his village in Central Java.
According to his papers, Sodimedjo, also known as Mbah Ghoto (grandpa Ghoto), was born in December 1870.
But Indonesia only started recording births in 1900 – and there have been mistakes before.

UK to start EU exit process before end of March, says PM May

British Prime Minister Theresa May said Oct. 2 that Britain would start the formal process for leaving the European Union by the end of March 2017.
Before now May has only said that Britain would not trigger Article 50 of the EU's Lisbon Treaty - which sets a maximum two-year clock ticking until a country's departure from the 28-member bloc - before the end of this year.
