County Court

For Victims of Croatia’s ‘Lora’ Prison, Justice Proves Elusive

April 6 brought another milestone in one of the longest-running war crimes processes in Croatia, when the County Court in the coastal city of Split sentenced two men to prison for war crimes against mainly Serb detainees at the city's 'Lora' military prison during the 1991-95 Croatian war.

British Whistleblower to Appeal Croatian Ruling Allowing Extradition to Monaco

On receiving another ruling by Dubrovnik's County Court that he should be extradited to face charges Monaco, British oil-industry whistleblower Jonathan Taylor has announced an appeal.

In a decision issued on December 31, 2020, which Taylor received on Monday, the court found that "the legal preconditions for extradition have been met".

Protesters Vent Fury With Zagreb Mayor During Trial

Citizens of Zagreb dissatisfied with the two-decade-long rule of their mayor, Milan Bandic, protested on Wednesday in front of the County Court during a hearing against him.

As Bandic walked into the court, they whistled and shouted: "He is guilty!" They also held up banners with messages such as, "Mafia go home". Some protesters sat in the courtroom.