Education Ministry

Big Drop in Student Numbers Worries Romania

Romania needs to increase the number of people in higher education by at least 10 per cent by 2020 and stop the sharp fall in the number of people going to university, an Education Ministry paper says.

According to official data, only 465,000 students enrolled in late 2013, compared to 891,000 only four years earlier.

Excellence seen as a negative

By Maria Katsounaki

Why should excellence be perceived as some kind of stigma or twisted ambition?

Let?s leave aside the contradictory announcements made by the Education Ministry regarding model experimental schools and take a closer look at the meaning of certain words.

Turkey to open hospitals abroad, says ruling party deputy

Following the government's initiative to open Turkish schools abroad, the Health Ministry is now planning to open hospitals abroad, starting with Somalia and Sudan.

Ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) deputy Cevdet Erdöl said during a speech at parliament that the Health Ministry was considering opening training and research hospitals abroad.

Bulgarian Parliament Begins Debate on Vocational Elements in Education

Lawmakers in the National Assembly have started discussions on a bill which could bring about changes to schooling and pre-school education.

The idea is to further divide the education system into various stages, breaking secondary education into two parts and allowing pupils to opt for either pre-university or vocational preparation.
