European Parliament

European Parliament voices concerns over democracy and fundamental rights in Turkey

Turkey must put its reform process at the center of domestic policy choices and commit "unequivocally" to democratic rules and principles, which are at the heart of the EU, the European Parliament said in a resolution on the 2014 reform progress in Turkey, while members of European Parliament (MEP) particularly underlined their concerns over the independence, impartiality and efficiency of the

Greek war hero lashes out at EP President

“As an individual you have the right to intervene and say whatever you want, but, as a president of the European Parliament I believe that you don’t have the right to express the European Parliament and to intervene in Greece and to try to strangle it,” said SYRIZA MEP Manolis Glezos on Tuesday addressing Europarliament President Martin Schulz. “Those who believe that they can subordinate the G

MEP Preda: I've asked EP to discuss political crisis in Romania; EP should hear Ponta

Romanian MEP Cristian Preda has said he asked the European Parliament in Strasbourg to discuss the ongoing political crisis in Romania, arguing that because of what he calls a democratic deficit in Romania's Parliament, a hearing of Prime Minister Ponta is needed.
