Finance Ministry

Airbnb: One million beds rented out, changes to measures coming from September

The urgent need to address the acute problem of homelessness is driving the government’s decisions from September onwards. The primary goal is to free up homes from Airbnb and incentivize long-term rentals to help young couples struggling to find accommodation.

Cash budget posts 431 billion Turkish Liras deficit in June

The Treasury's cash budget ran a deficit of 431 billion Turkish Liras ($13.2 billion) in June after producing a surplus of 235 billion in the previous month.

This year, the cash budget ran a surplus only in May, posting deficits in the other five months, according to data from the Treasury and Finance Ministry.

‘Better off without checks’

One in two freelance professionals who have already submitted their return are taxed based on the minimum presumptive income.

Few of them have questioned the new way of taxation, in order to avoid the inspection by the tax office which not only reaches back five years, but also checks other accounts, even those of their relatives.

Stamp duty to end for many

An Economy and Finance Ministry bill provides for the abolition of stamp duty on some 600 types of transactions and its replacement by the the online transaction fee for 29 transactions. The abolition of the stamp duty will benefit citizens by 32 million euros per year, from the €386 million the state collects in this way.
