Greek government

Tsipras states that the road is long and hard

Greek PM Alexis Tsipras characterized last night’s Eurogroup agreement as a deal which bridges the gap between the memorandum and the plan of the Greek government.


In his statement, he underlined that the battle has been won, but the “war” is still to be fought. He reiterated that hardship, and not just of a diplomatic nature, are still ahead.


Greece in tough climbdown on radical debt promises

Greece's radical left government was at pains Feb. 21 to put a positive face on an EU compromise deal that is sharply at odds with its anti-austerity ambitions.
At a last-ditch meeting on Feb. 20, Europe gave Athens some breathing room to present alternative reforms in a bid to save its crucial financial lifeline.

Government content by beginning of new deal

The Greek government characterizes the deal between Greece and the EU as historic, stating that it marks the end of austerity and memoranda in Europe.


Even though the government recognizes that there is still a long way to go, it considers that it has avoided immediate funding failure, buying some time by the end of April.


Varoufakis' new list of measures until June

The agreement reached on Friday's Eurogroup has extended the hopes (and maybe the worries) of the country until the end of April. The next huge step for the government in order to avoid losing the tightrope it balances on is to get the "ok" by the Troika as well as from half a dozen national parliaments (including the Greek one), after tabling the new form with new proposed measures.

Schauble: Greek government will have trouble explaining the deal to its voters

Upon Eurogroups completion German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schauble sticks to his harsh theories.

“For as long as Greece does not complete the existing program will receive no funding. None”, says Wolfgang Schauble.

The German Minister of Finance continued by stating that the “Greek government will have trouble explaining the deal to its voters”.

Eurogroup: Seal a deal tonight – Measures on Monday

Following the more-or-less successful Eurogroup conclusion on Friday, Eurogroup head Jeroen Dijsselbloem stated the following:

-       There is hope that in the end we will have a positive result

-       We are talking about trust, and today we took a step forward in the building trust.

-       We are on track
