Independent Authority

Foreclosures at actual property market rates to start in a month

Apartments, plots of land, stores and office buildings belonging to people or businesses with debts to the tax authorities will soon be auctioned at prices below those used for tax purposes ("objective values") as the law dictates foreclosure sales at market rates instead of objective values, as in the case of debts to banks.

Unpaid taxes grow at a rate of over 1 bln euros per month

The shortfall in tax revenues looks unlikely to shrink anytime soon as hundreds of thousands of taxpayers are unable to meet their tax obligations due to overtaxation. Data from the Independent Authority for Public Revenue revealed on Thursday that in August alone - even before the start of payments for the Single Property Tax (ENFIA) - unpaid taxes amounted to almost 1 billion euros.

Monitoring reduces tax dodging on Cyclades and at bars and eateries

The increased number of inspections at food service establishments this summer appear to have paid off in areas with high rates of tax dodging by enterprises.

According to the Independent Authority for Public Revenue, bars and restaurants are no longer the worst offenders in terms of tax evasion. This unenviable distinction now goes to pawnshops.

Taxpayers failed to pay 2 bln in July

The figure of 2 billion euros in unpaid taxes in July alone, shown the Independent Authority for Public Revenue, is a sharp illustration of the fatigue gripping tax-paying individuals and businesses in Greece.

The slump in tax payments has brought expired debts to the state since the start of the year from 5.475 billion euros by end-June to 7.483 billion by end-July.
