Independent Authority

‘Greece is out of the woods’

Greece's Finance Minister Kostis Hatzidakis defended the introduction of the minimum presumptive income for freelance professionals and the self-employed based on which they were taxed for the first time this year, telling Kathimerini it is a "fair measure" toward salaried employees and pensioners who traditionally paid more tax. 

AADE: 20 mln in tax evasion revealed in 48,000 on-site audits

Over 48,000 on-site audits revealed tax evasion of more than 20 million euros and resulted in fines of more than €1.34 million, the Independent Authority for Public Revenue (AADE) has said.

The tax authority also said that it applied sanctions in 628 cases: 490 businesses were ordered to close while in the remaining 138 cases fines were imposed.

Eliminating Stamp Duty on 600 Transactions for Cost Savings and Efficiency

A draft law that abolishes the Stamp Duty on more than 600 transactions and introduces a Digital Transaction Fee for transactions where the related charge remains, explicitly defined in the law, has been put up for public consultation until Thursday, August 22, 2024, at 11:00 PM.

The main changes include the following:

The major debtors to the State: Famous names and ghosts from the past owe €123 billion in taxes

Analysis of the €123 Billion Debt

According to lists released by the Independent Authority for Public Revenue (AADE) a few days ago, the debts of individuals and legal entities to the State and EFKA amount to €123 billion. These are debts from so-called major debtors, those who owe over €150,000 and whose payments are delayed by more than a year.
