Labor Ministry

Turkish ministry probes drug maker over bribe claims

Turkey's Health Ministry has said it launched an investigation into allegations a drug-maker, which it did not name, secured $85 million in business advantages through bribery.

Reuters reported this week an anonymous whistleblower accused Swiss company Novartis of paying bribes through a consulting firm to secure advantages worth an estimated $85 million.

Cuts in national pension to be discussed in Greece-‘Quartet’ meeting

The leadership of Labor Ministry prepares for the negotiation talks with Greece’s lenders to start on Wednesday noon aiming to save primary pensions (except high pensions) and find compromise solutions for the other demands of the ‘Quartet’, such as national pension, supplementary pension and replacement rates.

Defence minister announces creation of 5 hotspots close to Idomeni

Defence Minister Panos Kammenos announced on Thursday the creation of five additional temporary refugee and immigrant centers in northern Greece in an attempt to address the emergency situation that has developed following the restrictions imposed by FYROM in allowing refugees to cross its border.

Creditors ‘Quartet’ drops new bomb with calls to drastic pension reductions

Greek officials from the Ministry of Labor took part in a teleconference with technical representatives of Greece’s creditors of the so-called Quartet. They appeared ready to harden their stand, calling for more cuts while also expression their objections to the national pension rate.

Slashes to auxiliary pensions of more than 128 euros

The new plan for Greek social security reform is to be submitted to Greek Parliament in mid-January rather than December 23 as originally expected. Despite the objections of the so-called Quartet of creditors (EC, ECB, ESM, IMF), Athens insists on alternative proposals for the increase of contributions so as to avoid pension cuts.

Greek supplementary pensions to be cut, and an end to EKAS allowance too!

Reforms to social security funds are sowing the seeds of panic to beneficiaries. The Labor Ministry has yet to provide its conclusions regarding the future for Greek pensioners, but there are a number of issues up in the air. These include:

– Pension rates, the new index to be created and the size of the slashes that are unavoidable
