Social Democratic Party

Top Romanian Anti-Graft Prosecutor Will Not Step Down

The chief prosecutor of Romania's National Anti-corruption Directorate, Laura Codruta Kovesi, stated Wednesday that she had no reason to relinquish her post, defending the work of the organization and her subordinates despite accusations of falsified evidence and witness intimidation from former MPs - some of whom have been impacted by the directorate's work.

Martin Schulz Withdrew from the Leadership of the German Social Democrats

Social Democratic Party leader Martin Schulz announced his resignation, DPA reported. Shortly after, the party's leadership announced that it supported the chairman of the SPD parliamentary group Andrea Nahles for the post. Her candidacy will be voted on by party members on April 22.

Social Democrat head Dragnea: Increasingly more evidence emerges about parallel state's existence

Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies and head of the ruling Social Democratic Party (PSD) Liviu Dragnea said on Monday that after the disclosures aired on the previous evening about the activity of the National Anticorruption Directorate (DNA) and the Ploiesti territorial Service of the said agency, "increasingly more evidence emerges about the existence of the parallel state," and that if this i

Martin Schulz QUITS Merkel's Coalition Job as Party Turns on SPD Leader

The shock decision comes after senior members of Germany's Social Democratic Party (SPD) pressured their leader in to waiving the post of foreign minister. 

It comes after Angela Merkel's conservatives and the SPD agreed to form a coalition government on Wednesday.

The Left in Denmark does not Want Migrants from non-Western Countries

Denmark has to limit the number of migrants from non-Western countries it accepts, the opposition Social Democrats said, quoted by news agencies. The organization presented a project to reform the country's migration policy to reduce the number of foreigners from non-Western countries.
